Our mom, though she never pursued it, often said she would have liked to be a park ranger - and she really should have been! She was fascinated with nature, and her enthusiasm for learning was contagious! We often spent weekends on trails through the state parks of Missouri - learning about animals, trees and other plants. There were countless visits to zoos, National Parks, and trips to summer camp. We cherished vacations to the ocean, where we went whale watching, snorkeling and scuba diving. She planned so many enriching opportunities for us girls to learn... But also of significant importance, when we were at home, she just encouraged us to spend our free time enjoying the outdoors around our house.

Nikki and I would spend afternoons fishing, playing in our tree house, rehabilitating injured animals, trekking through the woods nearby, and exploring a large boulder pile in a common space backing our yard - The rocks were covered with hundreds of incased fossils. We would swipe our dad's hammers, nails and paintbrushes, then pretend we were archeologists working at a dig site. I'm sure you probably treasure similar memories of your own!
There is just something so wholesome about suntanned, scruffy kids excitedly telling of their discoveries from the most recent adventure outdoors. We can't possibly encourage each other enough - In this world of constant barrage from new electronics, media and distressing news... lets turn it off. Spend time outside in nature with our kids! It's truly therapeutic to study the creation God has given us to enjoy!
Here are some nature books to encourage
your family to get outside, learn and explore!
Who: Peek-a-Flap Board Book
By Jaye Garnett (Author)
Cottage Door Press (Author)
Ariel Silverstein (Illustrator)
Ages: 0-5
Who's Hiding in the Woods?
By Katherine McEwen
Ages: 2-5
Who's Hiding in the River?
By Katherine McEwen
Ages: 2-5
Smithsonian Kids:
A Walk in the Forest
By Jaye Garnett (Author)
Cottage Door Press (Author)
Lisa Manuzak (Illustrator)
Ages: 3-8
Smithsonian Kids:
A Walk by the Ocean
By Jaye Garnett (Author)
Cottage Door Press (Author)
Abigail Dela Cruz (Illustrator)
Ages: 3-8
Backpack Explorer:
Nature Trail
By Editors of Storey Publishing
Ages: 4-8
Backpack Explorer:
Bird Watch
By Editors of Storey Publishing
Ages: 4-8
Backpack Explorer:
Beach Walk
By Editors of Storey Publishing
Ages: 4-8
Survival Handbook:
An Essential Companion
to the Great Outdoors
By Marc Sumerak
Ages: 7-9
Nature All Around:
By Pamela Hickman (Author)
Carolyn Gavin (Illustrator)
Ages: 7-10
Snakes, Salamanders & Lizards
(Take Along Guides)
By Diana Burns
Ages: 7-10
Nature All Around: Trees
Wildflowers, Blooms & Blossoms
(Take Along Guides)
By Diana Burns
Ages: 7-10
Pamela Hickman(Author)
Carolyn Gavin(Illustrator)
Audubon Birding Adventures for Kids:
Activities and Ideas for Watching, Feeding,
and Housing Our Feathered Friends
By Elissa Ruth Wolfson & Margaret A. Barker
National Audubon Society
Ages: 8-12
Bushcraft 101:
A Field Guide to the Art
of Wilderness Survival
By Dave Canterbury
Ages: 13+